Tuesday, December 14, 2010

nana saheb...WHO??

Wondering who is Nana Saheb Peshwa?

The adopted son of Peshwa Baji Rao II, was a key player in the war against the English in 1857. Remembered, like the Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar II, to have embraced the 'mutiny' unwillingly, this 'reluctant' figure has been assigned to the margins of official history for being a dissatisfied feudal leader with the agenda of getting back at the English for having denied his pension.

did he? or did he not?

Which of these did you read?

'Unfortunately, Nana Sahib tarnished his brave record by deceitfully killing the British garrison at Kanpur after he agreed to give them safe conduct.'

'A large number of Englishmen, women and children fell into the hands of Nana Sahib and he promised them a safe passage to Allahabad. But the news about the inhuman massacre of the Indians at the hands of General O’Neil at Allahabad and Benares infuriated the crowd which in vengeance killed all the Englishmen in their custody. However later researches reveal that Nana Sahib had no hand in these killings.'